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Love, Sex, and Codependence Cover

Dawn Evans

For such a serious topic, “Love, Sex and Codependence” is an absolute joy to read! Follow the author, Dawn Evans, in her post-divorce dating adventures as she works through understanding attachment needs and trauma, and their correlations between her childhood and how she acts now.


"Applying that knowledge to what I was doing with men has made for the hilarious, enlightening, depressing, romantic, hopeful, raunchy, and spiritual writings here."

The Conquest of Banger the Cat Cover

Annie Mack

"The Conquest of Banger the Cat” is a delightful children’s story that asks:


Did you choose your pet, or did your pet choose you?


In "The Conquest of Banger the Cat", the spotlight shines on a charming feline who waltzed into the lives of Annie and Mick with purpose; to stake his claim as the undisputed ruler of their apartment!

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